Yoga for Strength Challenge - Day #3

Hey Yogi,

Welcome to Day #3 of your Yoga for Strength Challenge!

The theme for Day 3 is: Core Strength!

In this class, we'll be working the abdominals (six-pack muscles)and obliques (they are located on the sides of the abdominals)

Quick tip: 1. Remember to breathe, try your best to keep a steady rythym, don't hold your breath!
2. When you're doing any exercises where the head is lifted off the ground (eg with hands behind head) be careful not to overly strain the neck muslces as this can be easy to do if the exercises are new to you or you haven't done them in a while. Try to let your neck muscles relax and not tense up, use your hands behind your head to hold the weight of your head instead of putting the strain on your neck.

Okay, let’s do this!

Click the button below to take you to the music playlist for this class